The O-Shot is not a drug, it’s a quick procedure performed comfortably and discretely in our Miami location. Our specialist will prepare your own blood platelets and then gently inject it into the vaginal tissue. The theory proposed by the inventor, Dr. Charles Runels is that platelets naturally attract your own stem cells to the injected area, and “generate healthier and more functional tissue in the areas of sexual response in the vagina (G-Spot, O-Spot, Skene’s Glands, urethra, and vaginal wall).”

In addition to claiming to improve your sex life, The O-Shot also helps to “cure” urinary incontinence (when you accidentally leak when laughing, coughing or exercising). It’s true that many of the same women who have difficulty achieving orgasm also have problems with involuntary loss of urine since weak pelvic floor muscles can be responsible for both problems.
The O-Shot is a revolutionary procedure that has incredible health benefits beyond the sensual. It helps with incontinence, dryness and other vaginal conditions that are preventing you from living your life to the fullest.
When platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is injected, then stem cells multiply and grow new younger tissue. In the same way, PRP regenerates the skin of the face, it appears PRP regenerates healthy vaginal tissue. So, using this same technology, the O-Shot ® procedure works by using PRP to stimulate stem cells to grow healthier vaginal tissue. And, the whole procedure for processing the blood and injecting the growth factors takes less than 10 minutes in the doctor’s office!
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