Body Treatments


Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that treats varicose veins and spider veins. It involves injecting chemicals, known as sclerosing agents, into damaged veins. 

In addition to diminishing the appearance of varicose or spider veins, sclerotherapy can also reduce pain or side effects caused by damaged veins. 

The liquid or foam solution causes the walls of the injected vein to seal shut, so blood is redirected to unaffected veins. Over time, your body absorbs the damaged vein, making it less visible and uncomfortable.

Based on the size of the treated vein or veins, you may need up to four treatments.

Wood Therapy

Wood therapy services offer a unique and holistic approach to body contouring and relaxation. Utilizing specialized wooden tools, this ancient practice combines the healing properties of wood with modern body sculpting techniques.

During a wood therapy session, the therapist uses various wooden tools to mimic the pressure and motion of a deep tissue massage, targeting specific areas for toning, shaping, and cellulite reduction. This non-invasive treatment promotes lymphatic drainage, stimulates circulation, and aids in detoxification. It can also help break down stubborn fat deposits, enhance muscle definition, and improve posture.

Additionally, wood therapy promotes a sense of well-being by relieving muscle tension and promoting relaxation. Whether you seek body sculpting, skin rejuvenation, or simply a soothing experience, wood therapy offers a natural and effective solution that combines the benefits of wood and bodywork techniques.

Post Lipo Massage

Post lipo massage, also known as postoperative lymphatic drainage massage, is a specialized form of massage therapy designed to aid in the recovery process after liposuction surgery. This type of massage focuses on reducing swelling, promoting lymphatic drainage, and improving circulation in the treated areas.

By using gentle, targeted techniques, a skilled therapist can help accelerate the healing process, minimize post-surgical complications, and enhance the final results of liposuction. Post lipo massage helps to break up scar tissue, reduce inflammation, and alleviate discomfort, allowing for a smoother recovery.

It also aids in the removal of excess fluids and toxins from the body, which can help reduce postoperative swelling and improve overall body contouring. Whether you've undergone a small or extensive liposuction procedure, post lipo massage can play a vital role in optimizing your healing journey and achieving the desired aesthetic outcomes.


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